A Stress Free Day

Hello everyone,

Every Sunday or whenever I can, I try to have a stress free day. This means just relaxing and really not doing anything stressful. This is something everyone should do because it’ll lower your stress levels and you’ll be able to rest up for everything else that’s happening in the near future!

Before you start your stress free day, make sure you have nothing stressful on your mind. This means finishing off your work for the weekend or having a phone call with someone you aren’t looking forward to speaking to. Just do it to get it out of the way so you can enjoy yourself.

The first thing I always do on my stress free day is to sleep in! During the week I get around 7 hours of sleep so the weekend is really when I do my catching up. Make sure to turn off your alarm to get the maximum hours of sleep possible. Even if I wake up early, I still spend the time in bed either watching tv, checking social media or reading.

On this day of the week, I usually have breakfast in bed. To make sure I stick with it, I make my breakfast the night before so I don’t have to start making it in the morning. If you don’t have time the night before, making waffles or scrambled eggs is pretty easy and very fast.

I take this day as an opportunity to pamper myself. I usually do my own nails and my own facial but if I’ve had a really bad week or something really stressful, I go to the spa. I also use one of my bath bombs which helps me relax as well.

Doing theses things have many benefits on you and your performance. It reduces blood pressure, decreases your risk of a heart attack and it reduces acne. It will also improve your performance in your work especially after you are well rested. If you’ve enjoyed the blog give it a like and follow my page! Until next time.



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