How to Pack for a Vacation

Hello Eveyone,

Today I’m going to show you how to pack for a vacation! I personally have been to many places so I have a lot of experience when it comes to packing. After you’ve read the blog, make sure to leave a comment telling me what you’d like to see me write about! 🙂

1) The Basics

When going on vacation, typically you are packing a lot of things in a very small bag making it a squishy situation. I suggest instead of packing a new shirt every day, pack pieces of clothing that pair with more than one thing. Such as a pair of jeans or a plain white t-shirt. Basics include shirts, pants, underwear etc.

2) The extras

Every vacation is different and you need to be prepared for whatever it is you’re doing. Whether it’s spending a few days at the beach or going skiing for the weekend you need to be ready to take on the challenge. Always make sure you’ve got what you need! For the beach, bring your towels, sunscreens, sun hats etc. For skiing make sure you have hats, mittens, snow pants etc. You wouldn’t want to show up without anything or have to pay for it at the hotel.

3) Jewelry and accessories

What I typically do when packing jewelry, is to pack only a few staple pieces and stuff I wear daily. Everyday I wear my 4 earrings (2 on each ear), my Tiffany necklace and my MK watch. So I pack those items and then if I have space I throw in 2 rings and a choker necklace that match with everything that I’ve packed.

5) Weather check

Before I go on vacation I always do a weather check to see what it’ll be like where I’m going. And then I pack accordingly. When I went to London, it rained every single day and I was glad to know to pack an umbrella and rain boots!

6) Saving Space

Lack of space is always a struggle of mine. I always end up having to sit on my luggage to get it to close. I suggest rolling your clothes instead of folding and try not to bring big things such as perfume bottles and shampoo bottles. You can go to the dollar store and purchase travel sized items and travel packages to store your items in.

These were my packing tips! If you’ve enjoyed the blog don’t forget to like it and follow my blog! Also be sure to comment down below what you want to see me write about! I’ve travelled quite a few times and have experiences that I could share with you! Until next time.



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